Your agency partnerships matter more than you think.

Child reading map

When you make small investments in relationship-building, you will generate the greatest results.

I’ve spent 25 years working for nonprofit organizations, commercial brands, software companies, and all kinds of professional service agencies. For the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of building and nurturing my own creative agency, which I recently sold to a larger outfit. Throughout this journey, I have worked with everyone from the smallest grassroots community-based organizations to nationally renowned nonprofit powerhouses. And, in a former life, I worked with international clothing retailers and fast casual restaurant chains.

So why am I writing this? In the time I’ve spent in the agency world, I’ve been fortunate to witness a wide spectrum of relationships take shape. While I’ve come across some terrible relationships, I’ve also had the privilege of witnessing partnerships that have produced remarkable results: securing tens of millions of dollars in revenue, igniting positive social transformations, and forging meaningful connections between individuals and services that make their lives better. Most importantly, though, I’m writing this to help agency clients (you?) develop an understanding of what makes a great relationship.

By reading this series of articles and diving into our Partnership Payoff, you’ll be provided valuable insights to help agency and client teams build stronger relationships. I’m optimistic that if you consider and implement the concepts I’m about to present, you will:

  • Achieve notable improvements in results
  • Experience enhanced camaraderie within your team
  • Find a renewed sense of enjoyment in your work.

Together we’ll explore the dynamics that underpin greatness, empowering you to navigate your own journey towards fruitful and (I dare say) harmonious partnerships.

As you dig into the series, I’ll offer you guidance to help you navigate the path toward more fulfilling and fruitful collaborations between your team and your agency. If I do my job right, after reading this, you will be able to answer these questions:

So, get set to learn more about how you can find, select, and work really well with your next agency (and maybe even the ones you’re working with now!). Whether you’re brand new to the industry or are a seasoned veteran, I’m sure you will take something away that you can use immediately. Happy partnering!

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