Introducing the Fastest Planet

An illustration of the planet Mercury with email messages flying above the surface. The sun can be seen in the background.

I’m excited to share something we’ve been working on that’s close to my heart – our new email studio, the Fastest Planet.

I’m excited to share something we’ve been working on that’s close to my heart – our new email studio, “The Fastest Planet by See the Stars.” This venture is a culmination of our team’s vast experience and our mission to support direct response agencies and progressive organizations.

Over the years, we’ve sent nearly 10,000 messages on behalf of leading fundraisers, and through this, we’ve gained an intimate understanding of what works, what doesn’t, and, most importantly, why. “The Fastest Planet by See the Stars” is our response to those challenges and insights we’ve gained helping organizations raise millions of dollars. It’s a specialized email production studio designed to help agencies and their clients with streamlined, impactful email campaign production.

Here’s what sets The Fastest Planet apart:

Speed and Accuracy: Our unmatched tasking, platform expertise, and rigorous testing processes allow us to produce emails quickly and accurately. We understand that in the world of direct response marketing, timing is everything, but so is getting it right the first time.

Deep Experience in Email & Direct Response: With decades of experience working for agencies and organizations on direct response programs and technology, our team isn’t just familiar with your business; we deeply understand it. This informs every decision we make, ensuring that our services are aligned with your fundraising program.

Predictable Costs: Our flexible pricing model will allow you to work with us for as many messages as you need. Need us to fill in while someone’s on family leave? Want to test into a new email offering or include our services in a RFP? Let us support your business growth and momentum.

Private-Labeled Flexibility: Our private-labeled service is designed to seamlessly integrate with your agency’s offerings, allowing you to present these services under your own brand. This approach not only enhances your service portfolio but also strengthens your brand’s value to your clients, enabling you to deliver expert email solutions without the overhead of an in-house team.

CIO Level Consultation: Beyond simply producing your campaigns, we can help you maximize your investments in email and marketing technology. If you’re struggling with system configuration, journey management, template creation, or system integration we can help.

Why am I excited? Launching our email studio is especially exciting for me because it represents a direct application of our mission at See the Stars – to support the marketing and technology teams that help organizations make the world more compassionate, one email at a time.

What’s next? I’d love to get your feedback on “The Fastest Planet by See the Stars.” Whether it’s a quick email or a 15-minute phone call, your thoughts are invaluable as we roll this out. We’re here to make your email marketing efforts not just easier, but more effective than ever before.

Want to connect? Ready to get started? Get in touch, here.

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