When the results of the November 2024 election became clear, it felt like heavy storm clouds had rolled in, dimming the light and plunging us in to darkness. The new Congress and political regime seem bent on making life hard for the most vulnerable among us. Twenty-five years ago, when I was a bright-eyed student studying political science, I never imagined America would look like this.
In the last month or so, I found time to reflect. I realized our work has always been to preserve basic human rights, equal opportunity, economic justice, fair treatment under the law, and dignity for all. The work has not fundamentally changed—it has only become more urgent. And while the clouds may be making it hard to see our beacons of hope, there are still plenty of stars shining in the sky.
This year, I worked with our team to create “Constellation 2025,” a coloring book that celebrates these stars. This book is dedicated to the amazing organizers, technologists, fundraisers, and consultants leading with compassion.
To each of you, I say “thank you.”
I’m grateful that I’ve been able to work with every one of you. The world is better because you are in it.
Download the PDF here (39 MB). Email hello at againseethestars .com to request a printed copy.